S2 E6 Alphabet therapy - anyone else feeling overwhelmed?

S2 E6 Alphabet therapy - anyone else feeling overwhelmed?

The explosion of acronyms for therapy makes me feel overwhelmed. In this episode, I’m speaking about the flaws of alphabet therapies and how to overcome them. I’m also talk about how this relates to the model of structural dissociation that we have been exploring with Dr Catherine Hynes this season.

The good news is, alphabet therapies can be very effective for clients with complex trauma - but you need know how best to utilise them.

S2 E4 Make more impact with the COM-B model

S2 E4 Make more impact with the COM-B model

In this episode of our Pracademics Podcast, I am speaking about the COM-B model, how it helps to create more impact in your work with clients, as well as helps you reflect on your own behaviour to build stronger habits for self-care.

In addition, I explain how my colleague, Dr Catherine Hynes, and I applied this system to our Safety Plan for Practitioners to actually transform your practice and align it with what the research evidence and experts recommend.

S2 E1 When stabilisation doesn't work for clients with complex trauma.

The challenges of working with complex trauma.

In this episode of our Pracademics Podcast, I am interviewing Dr Catherine Hynes - Clinical Psychologist and PhD in Neuroscience.

We talk about why people get stuck in the stabilisation phase and what challenges we face as therapists in our work with trauma. To top that off, Catherine explains how to deal with them.

Join our Pracademics podcast to listen to Dr Hynes and find out more about the above-mentioned topics.

Download our free guide - 3 Easy Ways to Improve Safety and Stabilisation Skills for Complex Trauma


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S1 E4 Be Informed - Cumulative Harm in Child Protection Practice

S1 E4 Be Informed - Cumulative Harm in Child Protection Practice

In this episode, we keep you informed by exploring an article by Bryce (2018), where she discusses child protection responses to cumulative harm. Bryce identifies that current child protection legislation in Australia is not adequate for responding to cumulative harm due to the focus on immediate harm caused by the abuse, rather than the long term impact which may not manifest for several years. Therefore Bryce argues there should be more of a child protection focus on family need and child well-being, rather than purely on the immediate risk to the child.

Why I hate ACEs

Why I hate ACEs

The Adverse Childhood Experiences study highlighted that childhood trauma contributes to health outcomes long into adulthood. This study reframed childhood maltreatment as a public health issue, but there is a risk that this questionnaire will be misused in practice. Assessing the ACEs score of children in schools, child protection or custody is extremely questionable and in this episode we outline our concerns about the misapplication of ACEs. Consider this episode - reverse implementation! A lesson when research SHOULD NOT be applied in practice!