In January 2020, we had big plans. We had decided to focus on developing quality e-learning that was widely accessible and engaging for practitioners and were in the midst of creating a ‘child safe recruitment’ module.
And then everything changed for us all.
Over 2020 and 2021 Hayley and I re-focused our time on frontline work in other organisations. It was where we were needed. We also watched as the world became saturated with on-line training (and on-line everything else) and reflected on what Pracademics could offer in this new world.
Ultimately, maintaining good governance for a not-for-profit organisation is a challenge at the best of times, as it relies on volunteers donating their valuable time. Having quarterly board meetings, at a time when Pracademics was less-active, was a lot to expect of our amazing supporters. For this reason, we decided to wind up Pracademics not-for-profit structure.
We are still holding onto the ‘Pracademics’ name as it encapsulates everything we believe about our work. For now, it will be a trading name for Chelsea as a sole trader. While our organisational structure has changed, our values haven’t and we will strive to be ethical and accountable for the work we do.
Our Values
We know how hard your job is and we want to make it easier. We’ll be proactive, flexible and work alongside you to have the impact you want.
We know resources are stretched, so we want to provide maximum return for your investment in our service. We focus on leveraging technology and applying implementation science, to help you achieve maximum impact and influence positive outcomes.
We want to give all practitioners the opportunity to access and apply the best research, regardless of their location or educational level. Our evidence-based on-line training and resources are easy to access and tailored to demonstrated practitioner need.
We’re proud of our work and making a meaningful contribution to the industry is hugely important to us. We’re committed to providing our clients with high quality products and services that inspire and help them in their work.
We believe our work is enhanced with experience and insights from a variety of perspectives. We strive to include these voices in our work by building relationships and working collaboratively across the sector.